Looking Good!
You’re a fashionista and you make no apologies for your love of style. However, you acknowledge the fact that your budget is limited. You don’t have to settle for dowdy, outdated clothes just because you don’t have a fortune to spend. Instead, by investing your dollars wisely and engaging in a few simple strategies, you can look like you stepped out of the pages of a fashion magazine, without busting your budget.
Shop Your Closet
You may want to empty your entire closet and start over from scratch, but there is really no need. After all, you chose the clothes in the first place. By
shopping your closet you can rediscover that cute skirt that always draws glances from that cute guy you see on the bus every day, or that gorgeous cashmere sweater that exactly matches the color of your eyes. After you pick out all the “keepers” in your closet, go through the rest and donate those items that are wearable.
Afterwards, you will have more room in your closet. As a bonus, you will know exactly what pieces you need to fill any gaps in your wardrobe. You can shop for staples like pumps and blazers or accessories like scarves, belts and
cute hand bags with the knowledge of the exact colors and textures that will match the pieces you already have.
Shop Discount Stores and Consignment Shops
Savvy shoppers know that it is not always necessary to pay designer prices to maintain a fashion forward look. Discount stores are ideal sources for trendy items that you don’t expect to wear for more than a season or two. Consignment shops, on the other hand, often contain gently worn designer and other high end items at bargain basement prices.
Invest in Quality
While it is possible to save money on many wardrobe items, the saying “penny wise and pound foolish” also applies. Especially when purchasing wardrobe staples such as an overcoat,
an interview suit or even foundation garments, purchase the very best quality that you can afford. Stick to natural materials such as wool, cotton, silk, linen, leather and cashmere. Seek out details such as matching patterns and deep hems that signal that a garment is well-made. By spending a bit more money now you will have garments that you will be proud to wear for years to come.
Tailor-Made to Fit
One reason that celebrities and very rich people always look so well put together is because of how they look in their clothes. Workouts and personal trainers help, of course. However, there is another factor that enters into the picture – many outfits that celebrities and wealthy people wear are tailor made. While you probably cannot afford an entire outfit of tailor made clothes, professional alteration services are often available at very reasonable prices at your local dry cleaning establishment. In addition, many better-quality department stores will hem pants legs and alter suits for free or for a nominal charge. Once you see the difference a few nips and stitches make in how your clothing fits, you will never be satisfied with wearing anything straight off the rack again.
Sophie Smith has a passion for fashion and clothing design. Her articles mainly appear on style blogs.