My work asks me to be in front of my computer almost 12 hours a day form Mon. till Saturday and with so many years of doing that, my 20/20 vision started to deteriorate as I age and bec. of continuous exposure to eye strain. There are time that my eyes gets itchy , strained and really tired that I already went to my eye doctor to consult it. I was prescribed a progressive lens that costs me a fortune bec. it was expensive. He even prescribes a branded eye drop which I sense that he is already ripping me off. Right now I am no longer using the eyeglasses that I got from him bec. it’s no longer helping my vision.
I am really in need of a brand new prescription and this time I don’t need an expensive one but just the right one for my eye. Been surfing the net for a while and I was directed to Zenni Optical .com where I saw that you c

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