Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Know more about Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy

As people grow older, they typically lose hair - especially men - atop their heads. There are several methods of hair restoration, though none of them are necessarily easy. Platelet-rich plasma therapy has been used since the 1980s as a means of growing hair in areas where it's thinning or already gone. Also known as PRP, platelet-rich plasma therapy involves drawing a patient's blood, using a machine to sift through it so that almost all plasma left is made up of platelets - hard, tiny cells that make up fingernails, hair, and scabs - which is then injected into their scalp over a period of roughly one to two months. This method of hair restoration offers several benefits that its counterparts don't.

No hairs have to be transplanted
Other methods of hair restoration involve transplanting hairs. These processes involve hundreds if not thousands of individual hair plucks and transfers to other parts of the head. This method is significantly more painful than PRP therapy.

PRP therapy is often used in conjunction with other treatments, something other hair restoration practices aren't compatible with;

PRP therapy can improve the expected outcome of hair restoration procedures. Platelet-rich plasma therapy is often successful in improving the outcome, though it hasn't actually been proven to work by the medical community. While PRP therapy works remarkably well in some patients, others report experiencing little to no success. However, it's typically offered for free in conjunction with other treatments.

Although this therapy does involve a needle, it is otherwise non-invasive. Other hair restoration techniques involve plucking hairs from other parts of the body and transferring them to bald areas of the head, as well as another similar method in which sheets of scalp are cut and then grafted onto areas of the head with little to no hair. Platelet-rich plasma therapy simply involves sticking a tiny insulin needle across various points of the scalp that has no hair.

The platelet rich plasma treatment is one of the leading forms of hair restoration. Those who choose PRP therapy are likely to experience the benefits above and many more.

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