I went shopping alone yesterday because I am looking for the right bag that will replace my old black bag that I have been using for over a year now. I went to greenhills shopping center but I never found a bag that will suit my taste. All that I see was replicas of branded bag and some bags that I can I see in Divisoria but they are selling it expensive there.
So I went to Robinson's Galleria to look some new styles. I went back to the bags section where I found the bag that was out of stock the last time I went there. Luckily it was available already and it was a JUlia brown bag with 2 pockets in front and sides. What I like about that back is that it is not too small nor too big for my stuff to fit in there. I end up using it immediately after buying it. I went inside the comfort room and put all my stuff there while some women are tying to find out what am I doing. lol
So I went to Robinson's Galleria to look some new styles. I went back to the bags section where I found the bag that was out of stock the last time I went there. Luckily it was available already and it was a JUlia brown bag with 2 pockets in front and sides. What I like about that back is that it is not too small nor too big for my stuff to fit in there. I end up using it immediately after buying it. I went inside the comfort room and put all my stuff there while some women are tying to find out what am I doing. lol
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